The story "Cupid and Psyche" by Lucius Apuleius and "The Frog King" by Brothers Grimm are two very different stories but there are some small similarities within these stories. In both the stories, the main female character goes through a series of events and tries to kill her companion or the main male character. In “Cupid and Psyche” Psyche plans to chop off the head of cupid if he turns out to be beastly when she shines the candlelit on him. In “The Frog Prince” the princess throws the frog against the wall to kill it, because she doesn’t want him sleeping in her bed. In addition, in both the stories, the cupid and the princess both disobey their promises. Cupid promises Venus that he will shoot Psyche with his arrow to make her fall in love with someone hideous. But instead, he accidentally hits himself with his arrow, which makes Psyche destined to fall in love with Cupid. In “The Frog King” the princess disobeys her promise to the ...