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The Final Blog

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This semester has been quite an adventure. I have learned valuable lessons and some really great information from this first-year seminar. I really enjoyed this class, not only because it had some really interesting information, but because I truly felt that it made me a better college student for my future years at McDaniel College. We had several assignments that I would see during my college career including, an oral presentation, two papers (that varied in length), two exams, readings of several books and articles, many quizzes, a final exam that requires us to get out into the real world and teach people what we had learned, and blogs. My first blog was pretty weak, and I didn’t know really what I was talking about. However, as I progressed through the course, I became much more confident in my knowledge and I felt as if I knew what I was talking about. I was better able to analyze the fairytales that we were discussing because I was getting used to the psychological meanings of the fairytales and I understood that I needed to dive in deep to the meaning to understand it truly. When I was writing my term paper, I noticed that my writing had improved drastically, along with my citation skills. In addition, I felt like I was better able to understand the meaning of the fairytale that I was analyzing. Whereas in the beginning of the semester, I would have been mind-boggled at what “The Three Feathers” truly meant. My favorite blog that I did was about the variations of the “Bluebeard” tales. They were extremely cool to analyze because they were so bizarre and out there. I am very glad and grateful that I was able to take this course as my first year seminar.

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